The Neu Dad and life coach Annie Fontaine

Episode 3 – Interview with life coach Annie Fontaine

June 23, 2019theneudad

On the eve of starting a brand new job, it suddenly occurred to me that I haven’t actually had any official career advice for about twenty years (now THAT makes me feel old).

So I figured it might be worth speaking to a Life Coach, to see if I could gain any insights that might help me. Not just in my new role, but more generally in finding a balance between life, work, parenting and anything else that comes along with being in my mid-thirties.

The Neu Dad and life coach Annie Fontaine

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Children's author Clare Luther & The Neu Dad

Episode 2 - Interview with children's author Clare Luther

June 23, 2019

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Voice-over artist Peter Kenny

Episode 4 - Interview with voice-over artist Peter Kenny

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