Josh & Alicia from Zero shop

Episode 6 – Interview with Zero Shop owners Josh & Alicia Bulbeck

August 18, 2019theneudad

It’s an interesting question; is there anything more important to us than our environment?

As parents, it can certainly be a challenge to be truly environmentally friendly. Plastic toys, plastic cups, straws, packaging. There are just so many tempting (or cheap…) options that, while not necessarily breaking the bank, have a definite impact on our planet.

So how do we reduce the amount of waste we produce?

Josh & Alicia Bulbeck opened a shop near Wimbledon earlier this year that helps people do just that.

Listen to the latest episode of my podcast below to find out more about them, their zero waste shop and how they took their idea of being more eco-friendly and made it a reality .

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The Neu Dad interviews Stuart Hood

Episode 5 - Interview with fellow dad blogger Stuart Hood

August 4, 2019

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Episode 7 - Interview with actor, teacher playwright (and dad) Tim Crowther

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