The Neu Dad and Marley hanging out at Riverside Radio station

The Dad Test

May 30, 2019theneudad

I’ve had a lot of things going on this week, but it’s been great fun.

First of all, I presented my first ever radio show on Sunday afternoon on Riverside Radio.

And then a fellow dad blogger, Stuart Hood – who runs the Fatherhood blog – got in touch with me to ask me to take his ultimate Dad Test.

The test scores dads based on their responses to a handful of questions, like ‘have you ever parented with a hangover?’ and ‘have you ever been injured in the line of dad duty?’

Strangely enough, it turns out Stuart also hails from Edinburgh, and used to live round the corner from me. It’s a small world.

You can visit to see how I got on, or click this link to check out my Dad Test score.

Comments (1)

  • Jess

    June 12, 2019 at 4:47 pm

    Wow! That was amazing, I will like to check it out to see are you a Qualified dad :p have a good day 🙂

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