The Neu Dad and fitness trainer Joanne Groves

Episode 9 – Interview with fitness trainer Joanne Groves

November 25, 2019theneudad

After an insane few weeks of work stress and a complete lack of any semblance of work-life balance, my eating, sleeping and general health habits have been all over the place.

In the past week alone I’ve had a KFC, a Nandos (with my toddler – his first one!) and a Thai take-away. I’ve also done barely any exercise barring the occasional pick-up or drop-off at Marley’s nursery.

So the prospect of a booze-filled festive period consisting of countless turkey dinners, chocolates and mince pies is not exactly what the doctor ordered.

I thought it would therefore be wise to enlist the help of a fitness trainer, in the form of Joanne Groves.

Joanne is a nutter (her words, not mine!) with an unparalleled passion for fitness who absolutely eats, sleeps and breathes her profession.

Listen again

You can listen to my chat with Joanne by clicking on the player below. Hear us discuss some fitness tips, fear, pain and how to achieve that work-life balance. Oh, and listen out for Joanne’s coughing fit half way through!

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