You may be surprised to discover that I trained as a journalist in a former life.
On occasion, you may find even my musings popping up on other blogs. I enjoy providing contributions on various other topics I find interesting.
One such topic is sport, and this time of year is usually when things begin hotting up. The climax of the Six Nations rugby is followed by the run-in to the football season and various other sporting events.
This year things are slightly different, of course. Coronavirus is threatening to disrupt a whole host of sport (and everything else) in the coming months.
However, I wrote this article before things had really started to kick off on the coronavirus front. So you should read it anyway!
About Lady Wimbledon
Lady Wimbledon is the woman with her finger on the pulse of Wimbledon. Entrepreneur, TV presenter, blogger, education pundit, Lady W is also the founder of Bombshell Consultancy Ltd. And she certainly knows how to throw a party!